Transit Systems pays tribute to Peter Santas for 58 years of service in the NSW transit industry.

Transit Systems has bid farewell to Peter Santas, 76, a stalwart of the New South Wales bus industry, as he recently announced his retirement, after a career spanning 58 years.

Peter began his transit industry career on July 28, 1966, as a Conductor, before advancing to become an Acting Driver and eventually a Full-Time Bus Driver. Throughout the decades, he held various roles, including serving as a Traffic Chargeman in the 1970s and transitioning to the role of Duty Officer in the 80s where he spent the remainder of his career. His extensive experience also led him to work as a Relief Depot Inspector across numerous depots, covering a wide area of Sydney, including the Eastern Suburbs, North Shore/Northern Beaches, Inner West, and North West/Lower North Shore.

Peter Santas has played an integral part of the NSW bus landscape, serving with dedication, professionalism, and a commitment to providing exceptional service to passengers. His dedication for the industry, coupled with his knowledge and experience, has left a lasting mark on Transit Systems and the broader community.

Asked about his time in the industry, Peter said working in the transport has been a very rewarding career.

Jamie Sinclair, Managing Director of Transit Systems NSW, said, "Peter embodies the epitome of dedication and excellence and his service to customers and colleagues has been inspiring. Peter leaves behind a legacy that will continue to resonate within Transit Systems for years to come.”

“Peter is known for his honest, fair and straightforward approach, and his commitment to getting the job done, with a great focus on safety and efficiency. His dedication to his various roles and his professionalism have set a very high standard for other Transit Systems team members to follow.”

Peter, in addition to his remarkable bus industry career, is also a proud father of three children, has eight grandchildren and is eagerly anticipating the arrival of his third great grandchild. Among the many memorable moments throughout his career was his assistance to a vulnerable member of the community during a challenging time, ultimately leading to a positive outcome. His dedication to helping others and making a difference exemplifies his character and commitment to service.

Michael McGee, Transit Systems CEO, added, "Peter's contributions to our company extend far beyond his daily duties. His leadership and mentorship have touched the lives of many at Transit Systems. We are incredibly grateful for his invaluable service.”

As a tribute to Peter's remarkable career, Transit Systems recently hosted a celebration at Leichhardt Depot, featuring a cake in his honour and a special appearance by the iconic double-decker bus from the Museum to mark his career milestone.

Quote attributable to Transport for NSW Secretary Josh Murray:

“Nearly six decades in the job is an impressive feat and I’d like to thank Peter for his hard work, dedication and passion for his colleagues and the community. There are few people who would know the bus industry as well as Peter and I speak for everyone in the Transport family in saying he’ll be greatly missed.”

NSWLea Finau